Hosted by Extinction Rebellion SA & Extinction Rebellion Australia
Details here
It's Game On at Adelaide's favourite footy stadium. It'll be a blast !
Join us for some fun at the Annual General Meeting of Santos shareholders as we demand that this self-important, climate-wrecking, low-tax-paying stranded asset cease to strut about in our renewable energy state.
Please book in at the ticket link below
What's in play
In doubt: Shareprice - slipping lower than a limbo bar?
In doubt: Pilliga gas fracking - Fed Court rules it's a climate risk
In doubt: Hunter Valley Pipeline - farmers angry over land grab
In doubt: CEO Kevin's bonus - corporate jet flights instead?
In doubt: Industry gas demand - big batteries are everywhere!
Guaranteed: Gas is dirty - health risks for kids and asthmatics
Guaranteed: Barossa Gas is Very Dirty - emissions equal gas
Guaranteed: Carbon Capture is failing - expensive, inadequate